May 2023 State House Update

By Dick Thackston State Rep. Cheshire 12 – Troy & Fitzwillam

New NH Business Filings Are Booming, NHSOS Reports

New Hampshire’s economy keeps booming, and more residents are looking to themselves to create the next opportunity, according to the New Hampshire Secretary of State’s (NHSOS) Corporation Division. The state reached the milestone of 100,000 LLC and corporation annual reports processed this year, a 7.5 percent increase over last year.

“The number of LLC formations in New Hampshire also continues to increase each year as a result of New Hampshire’s strong economy,” the NHSOS office said in a statement. “On average, over 2,000 new businesses are forming each month with our office, most of which are small businesses.”

Parents Rights Legislation Fails in NH House

Broadly stated, parents and families support legislation, which would prevent school employees from keeping information about a student’s on-campus behavior secret from parents who ask about their own children.  Because that includes behavior regarding sex and gender, Democrats have labeled the bill anti-LGBT, arguing that parents are too dangerous to be allowed to have this information about their children. The School Custodian can have the information about a child, everyone on the “Campus”, but the parents and families cannot. It seems to me there should be some fairly obvious middle ground here but absolutely no one was looking to work this out.  A handful of absences among GOP members and near-perfect attendance by Democrats in the closely-divided House left Republicans without a functioning majority. When Republicans began defecting to add amendments to the Senate bill, the battle was lost with any number of vicious and vindictive attack being made. Consequently, I supported the motion which did pass which was effectively to put the issue off till the next session of the legislature when hopefully something more like a rational discussion leading to a consensus can be arranged.

SB 263-FN, Passed the House Un-Amended

Despite several attempts, (32 to be exact), to amend this bill by Republicans in the House this bill passed exactly as sent over by the Senate. The Democrat Majority limited debate on this bill and amendments running counter to the traditions of the NH House which is typically more open and transparent. It’s not a terrible bill but certainly merits additional consideration.

The Bill extends the New Hampshire granite advantage health care program and reestablishing the commission to evaluate the effectiveness and future of the New Hampshire granite advantage health care program. This bill reestablishes and revises the membership and duties of the commission to evaluate the effectiveness and future of the New Hampshire granite advantage health care program. The commission is repealed November 1, 2028.  The Bill removes the transfer of funds from the alcohol abuse prevention and treatment fund to the granite advantage health care trust fund.

The Bill Permanently extends the New Hampshire granite advantage health care program by removing the prospective repeal of the program that was to take effect on December 31, 2023. Medicaid Expansion without a sunset provision, and Medicaid spending have grown to over one third of our state’s budget. Medicaid continues to grow as a percentage of our state budget. Those of us proposing a sunset feature in this bill of six years would be more than adequate time to evaluate the program and extend, revise or revisit the program. A program this big, complex, and expensive deserves a periodic review and reauthorization by the elected representatives.

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