April 2024 State House Update


By Dick Thackston State Rep. Cheshire 12 – Troy & Fitzwillam

The NH House of Representatives is in the busiest portion of the 2024 Session right now. There are voting sessions of the House every Thursday in February, March, and most of April. In mid-April we will receive Bills Passed by the NH Senate and they will receive Bills passed by the NH House. Committee hearings will begin more or less continuously through-out the weekdays on the Senate Bills before being voted on in the NH House.

The Hippocratic Oath, written in the 5th century BC, states that the physician will not give lethal drugs to end a life, nor will the physician even suggest such an action.  Today, more than two thousand years later, the American Medical Association Principles of Medical Ethics still affirms that “Physician-assisted suicide is fundamentally incompatible with the physician’s role as healer, would be difficult or impossible to control, and would pose serious societal risks.”

Libertarian arguments wrongly conclude state-sanctioned suicide is pro-autonomy. Wherever it’s widespread, assisted suicide is automatically seized upon by those in power to justify involuntary executions of the elderly and infirmed. History shows us – if this bill passes – New Hampshire will take the first step toward ushering in forcible euthanasia of vulnerable people against their will. We already see this happening in the UK, with cases such as Charlie Gard, Alfie Evans, Indi Gregory, and Isaiah Haastrup, all children killed by the state, against their parents’ wishes.

All of the Sessions of the New Hampshire Legislature, both House and Senate, are live streamed and archived on U-Tube.

If you are interested in following the schedule of bills, meetings or other current information in the NH Legislature just plug in the following address and it will take you to the General Court Home Page: https://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/

As always, thank-you for your support.

The Hippocratic Oath, written in the 5th century BC, states that the physician will not give lethal drugs to end a life, nor will the physician even suggest such an action.  Today, more than two thousand years later, the American Medical Association Principles of Medical Ethics still affirms that “Physician-assisted suicide is fundamentally incompatible with the physician’s role as healer, would be difficult or impossible to control, and would pose serious societal risks.”

Libertarian arguments wrongly conclude state-sanctioned suicide is pro-autonomy. Wherever it’s widespread, assisted suicide is automatically seized upon by those in power to justify involuntary executions of the elderly and infirmed. History shows us – if this bill passes – New Hampshire will take the first step toward ushering in forcible euthanasia of vulnerable people against their will. We already see this happening in the UK, with cases such as Charlie Gard, Alfie Evans, Indi Gregory, and Isaiah Haastrup, all children killed by the state, against their parents’ wishes.

House Republicans and Friends Across New Hampshire,

Constant vigilance is required to defend liberty from the incessant predations of Democrats. Yesterday we found ourselves once again on the first line of that defense.

These victories are only achieved by the participation and cooperation of each and every one of you. Let the weight of that responsibility motivate you to help ensure we elect more Republicans in November, who hold Republican values, who are as committed as you are to advancing those Republican values. Do maintain composure and perspective, however. Though we may lose a battle from time to time, this war between liberty and tyranny will continue on long after we are gone. 

It is an privilege to wake up each day and fight along side such honorable colleagues. Have an excellent vacation week.

House Republicans and Friends Across New Hampshire,

I’d first like to welcome a new friend to the Republican Caucus- Rep. Matt Coker of Meredith. Rep. Coker’s decision to join our ranks speaks volumes about his dedication to serving the people of New Hampshire with integrity and conviction. His expertise, passion, and dedication to public service will undoubtedly strengthen our caucus and our ability to deliver results to Granite Staters. His commitment to his principles and the people of Meredith makes him an invaluable addition to our team. I am looking forward to working with Rep. Coker to advance policies that promote economic growth, protect individual freedoms, and ensure a bright future for generations to come.

Speaking of ensuring a bright future for generations: I am elated that the House passed an expansion to our wildly successful Education Freedom Account Program. Since it’s inception, the intention of the program has always been for it to be universal. Although House Democrats voted in lock step to keep our discriminatory income cap, and keep our most vulnerable students ineligible for the program, we were able to pass a meaningful increase in the cap, giving education choice to thousands of more children.

The fact remains that we now have the most popular education choice program in the country. By failing to provide this flexibility to all children, Democrats are playing petty games with their futures, putting politics over people. If you have not seen it already, I invite you to read this informative article by Drew Cline and Jason Bedrick detailing why universal access to EFAs is the best option for Granite Staters.

While the opposition would like to make our children wards of the state from cradle to grave, one-size-fits-all government run schooling is not the answer for every student. This is why we look forward to every child having access to their chosen educational pathway, after the coming elections in September and November.

This week, House Republicans showed up to win.

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